
Welcome to my blog,

I am a year eight student at Ngatea Primary School. I like to play netball, swim and do art. My teachers are Mrs Hull, Miss Boberg, Miss Coles and Miss Williams. Feel free to leave comments. I hope that you enjoy my blog!

Tuesday 28 February 2017

My Weekly News

Donald Trumps Star On The Walk Of Fame Gets Its Own Wall

When the Presidential Candidate Donald Trump announced he was going to build a wall between America and Mexico, the world was shocked. There have been many protests about Trump's wall. But the most creative protest has been "Plastic Jesus" mini wall around Trump's star. Plastic Jesus’ wall stands at 15cm tall, and the width of Donald’s Star. The mini wall has lots of creative additions on it such as, signs that read “STOP MAKING STUPID PEOPLE FAMOUS” and many “KEEP OUT” signs. Along with mini American flags.

I think that this is a very creative way to protest! I would love to go and visit this absolute work of art!!!!!

I wonder how many more people have visited his start because of the mini wall!

Vocab Words From The Articles

I did not find any words that I did not know!

I got my information from:

1 comment:

  1. I saw his star while in Hollywood in the holidays.... There were often people crowding around his star and having discussions!
