
Welcome to my blog,

I am a year eight student at Ngatea Primary School. I like to play netball, swim and do art. My teachers are Mrs Hull, Miss Boberg, Miss Coles and Miss Williams. Feel free to leave comments. I hope that you enjoy my blog!

Wednesday 22 February 2017

Read Theory Online!!

Read Theory!

We have started a new online activity, it is Read Theory. First of all this website give you a pretest to see what level you are on. After it has found out what level you are on, it gives you a short story on a completely random topic. Then it gives you lots of questions to see if you understand the text. After each test, it shows you your progress and level.

 I think that this will help me lots with my learning throughout the year. By giving me reading at my exact level and showing me what level I am on after every single test. Here is a picture of what it looks like (click on the images to make it bigger):

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this, Kate. I think it will be really helpful for your reading this year...
