I am so proud of myself for doing the swing at Rockin Ropes because when I was looking at it from the ground I could see the platform at the top of the 15-metre high pole swinging. It was really intimidating but as soon as I started climbing up I knew that I couldn’t go back down. But my least favourite thing was getting a hugeeeee wedgie from the harness. The swing was by far the scariest thing that I did on camp.
My favourite thing I did at camp was kayaking down the Huka Falls river! For the kayaking, I was in a kayak by myself. We started in a lagoon and then kayaked off down the river. We had the coolest instructor, his name was Robbie. He took lots of photos for us. He even splashed us while we were kayaking. Half way through the kayak we stopped a little hot spring. The best part of it was going down the rapids at the end and quickly turning off before we go on an unpleasant journey down the falls!
The funniest thing that happened on camp was probably when I went to visit Ayisha, Aly, Lara and Emma’s cabin and they told me about “Jimmy” the ghost who stole the tv remote and kept turning on the tv. Everyone thought it was Ayisha! I really enjoyed making lots of positive relationships with others and doing activities with people who I don’t usually work with.
When we went to the Huka Prawn Park I found out that catching prawns is actually really hard. First, we went for a walk around the park, we fed the trout and did the water activities. Then we went for a tour of the park and got to see where the prawns grow up, we got to feed the baby prawns and the tour guide showed us how to catch the prawns. I thoroughly enjoyed catching the prawns. I ended up catching four (with the help of Finn). It was really funny because I had a little bit of bait on my rod so I left it in the water and went to go get some lunch. When I came back I had a pleasant surprise and there was a prawn hanging on the end!
My favourite parent helper was Rachel Barker because she was super encouraging when we were doing the amazing race even when we went the wrong way and encouraged us to step out of our comfort zone in the activities that we did. She was a great driver and cabin mum. I was impressed by Dilyn and Josh M for putting up with our music in the car! And at Rocking Ropes they stepped out of their comfort zone and went on the swing.
Overall I had an amazing camp experience, I wish it was longer though!
Here are some photos:

It sounds like you had alot of fun at camp