Welcome to my blog,
I am a year eight student at Ngatea Primary School. I like to play netball, swim and do art. My teachers are Mrs Hull, Miss Boberg, Miss Coles and Miss Williams. Feel free to leave comments. I hope that you enjoy my blog!
Sunday, 4 December 2016
My Favorite Space
The QZ is my favourite space because there is really comfortable furniture in it and when I need to get my work done that is the place that I go. It is also a really great space to read a book in.
Wednesday, 30 November 2016
Tuesday, 29 November 2016
My Quote On The End Of The Year
I think that this quote sums up about the end of my year. Instead of thinking about what I did I should think about what I will do. I am really looking forward to the opportunities I will have next year being a year 8.
Wednesday, 23 November 2016
Monday, 21 November 2016
Current Events
Earthquake Hits South Island
Last week a 7.2 magnitude earthquake hit the South Island, around Kaikoura. The earthquake was 7.5 magnitude, and it was 15 kilometres deep - which is quite shallow for an earthquake. It hit at around midnight. I was felt from Dunedin to Wellington, some people around the Hauraki plains felt it too. There was a tsunami warming for Kairkoura and Christchurch. There were two metre waves in Kaikoura and Wellington. There were loads of aftershocks. Rocks that were underwater have risen above the sea level with all of the paua and crayfish still on it. Navy ships came from all over the world to help the Kaikoura people get out, they even brought food. Luckily enough The earthquake has had a massive effect on Kaikoura's tourists, the town is practically empty! Here are some picture of the damage the earthquake has caused.
My reflection of this year
This year has been awesome. Over the past three and a half terms I have achieved and participated in so many different things! I completed my IE and presented it, I participated in Cross county - which froze me to death. We have also started our GE investigations, which I am really enjoying. We are investigating on the health side of global warming, so what it does to our health - and how our health will deteriorate during global warming. I have almost finished my Language milestone and I am really enjoying learning Spanish, I think that learning a different language is such a great thing to learn. Because what if one day I go to Spain, I will know how to get to places.
Here are some things I enjoyed this year. IE, GE, Cross Country, Swimming Sports, NYLD, House team challenges, book bash, milestones, volleyball, art - murals, jandals, native birds. I have also enjoyed all of the learning I have done too!
Leadership is a huge part of being in Marama. This year I have really enjoyed being a part of the Ambassador team and a house leader. I knew at the start of the year that taking on these roles would be a big job. Being the leader of Orewa with Edell has been great fun! I have enjoyed leading Orewa in Kapa haka. But I didn’t get the chance to lead Orewa in athletics. I really like being on the school ambassador team because I get to walk around the school and talk about all of the different learning in the different learning areas. I also like meeting and greeting the people that come to our school! My leadership goal for next year is to be the leader of the ambassador team and still be a house leader!
Now I shall talk about tech. TECH IS SO MUCH FUN! I really enjoyed making stuff for the garage sale. My group made tin can animals. Out of recycled tin cans, nuts and bolts, wire and some spray paint. I made a little pink cat and two dogs. The thing that I loved most about that was how we made over three hundred dollars all together, and we can choose what we spend that money on to leave a legacy. My idea was to spend it on putting some big trees and flowers in the Mapson Maze. Now I am in the FOOD tech group. In food, we are learning how to make gingerbread houses. In the first week we learnt how to make the gingerbread, in the second week, we learnt how to make royal icing and now this week we are making a little gingerbread house. I am partners with Emma. I have really enjoyed tech this year.
I have enjoyed being in the Marama team this year. I Have achieved lots of my literacy and maths goals and I have put lots of effort into all of the tasks that I have done. I hope next year is as good as this year has been. Thank you for such a great year of learning and fun.
Tuesday, 1 November 2016
What is global warming?
GE Research
Instead of IE we are now doing GE - which is group endeavor. The people who are in my group are Emma, Abby, and Brooke we are researching on the Health side of global warming. Here is what I have researched for my question so far.
Thursday, 27 October 2016
Goal Reflection
Good Teamwork, Bad teamwork
This week our goal was on collaboration. We were showed a little video on Monday which was about good teamwork and bad teamwork. There were about three animated examples in the video. I think that I did well on the goal this week. For example, when I was working with my GE group we were all working really well with each other.
But other than that time I wasn't working with other people so that was pretty much the only time that I was collaborating with others. I think that this is a good goal for our class so I hope we have it again.
But other than that time I wasn't working with other people so that was pretty much the only time that I was collaborating with others. I think that this is a good goal for our class so I hope we have it again.
Monday, 24 October 2016
LITMC 2016
Last Friday was the Learning in the making conference. I wasn't there for the start of the day because I was feeling sick. But in the afternoon I ran 2 workshops, they were both the same. I did my workshop with Emma. We did our workshop on puffy painting.
I loved working with the younger kids on the puffy painting workshop because it was a nice chance to help the younger kids in the school and watch them have fun with our workshop!
What really made my day was when all of the kids went back down to the mat at the end of the day and asked what their favorite workshop was from their whole day. When some of the kids said PUFFY PAINTING it made me really happy to see that the younger kids enjoyed our workshop.
Quick Write
She lights up my day
What a little ray of sunshine she is
When she's around I always want to stay
Her personality is like a bottle of fizz
Freckles scattered across her face
And big blue ocean eyes
Tuesday, 18 October 2016
Little Gardens
Today we made little gardens. I was partners with Sophie. We had to choose a theme to base our garden around, Sophie and I chose a dinosaur/rock age theme. Sophie brought the dinosaurs and I brought heaps of different rocks. Our base was made out of sand and we had lots of plants and grass on it. We even had a pool on it! I really enjoyed making it and seeing other people's ideas. But the only problem with ours was at the end Sophie added WAYYYYY too much glitter in the pool and all over it. Then I kept dropping the dinosaurs in the glitter pool so we had glitter covered dinosaurs. YAY! I really enjoyed this art activity so I hope that we do it again!
Thursday, 15 September 2016
This weeks goal
This week we had two different sides to our goal. One was self-control and the other was not giving up when it's hard, helping others. On Monday morning the goal was shared with us. There was also a video to go with it. The video was set in the Olympics, a man was competing in a running race. Halfway through the race, something happened to his leg. He stopped and fell to the ground. A man came running through security to help the runner, the man was his dad. Refusing to give up the runner leant on his dad's shoulder. His dad let him go just metres from the finish line. I think this was a very inspirational video and I think it was a good goal for our class because it is nearing the end of the term. The other part was self-control. I think that I did very well on this side of the goal because when we were walking to tech. The college was doing their exams, so we had to be very quiet while we walked through the college so we didn't disturb them. I think I did well o the goal and I hope I can continue this til the end of the term!
Wednesday, 7 September 2016
Money Week
Are you a saver or a spender?
I am definitely a saver. This year for my birthday 🎂 I got over $200 so I thought, I I saved this money for a while I could keep adding pocket money to it! So I decided to save my birthday money. Plus all of the other money that I have I usually save.
If you won a million dollars what would you do with it?
I would put it in my bank account because If I save it up for ages I will earn interest off it. I would be working my but off to earn more money to buy a house I I don't have one yet or just keep saving.
If you found $50 what would happen?
It depends where I find it, If I found it at school I would hand it in but if it was a completely different case such as I was in a huge open area with thousands of people I would keep it. Unless someone says that they had lost it.
Who is your money role model - why?
My money role model is my parents because when they get their weekly pay the don't decide to go and spend all of it in one go buying clothes or shoes. They save it.
If I was an animal for a day...
Fathers Day
On Friday it was Blokes Day. My dad couldn't come in so I was adopted by Wane AKA Brookes Dad. Since were both in Marama we did an activity with all of the Marama dads and kids. We made mini cork launchers out of 6 popsicle sticks, two rubber bands, as much tape as you want and 3 little dices. Ours didn't go very far but it was fun. Then on Sunday my family (Except my dad) made breakfast for him. It was poached eggs on toast with crispy bacon. He said he really enjoyed it. The for the rest of the day we were slaves!
Thursday, 1 September 2016
Fathers day drawing
For fathers day I drew a picture of my dad. Here it is. This was one of the activities we had to do for our fathers day tasks I also did a card for him which captured the beauty of his beard
Thursday, 25 August 2016
Dressup Daffodil Day

Everybody's costumes were amazing even the teachers dressed up. They dressed up as SUPER TEACHERS! Lots of people came dressed as sports players. But I was the only cop in my class. Some kids had awesome outfits. There was a little boy in Moana who dressed up as a clown! I really enjoyed dressing up and seeing everybody's costumes.
Wednesday, 24 August 2016
On Wednesday Emma and I was chosen by Mr. Fraser to do a workshop for the learning in the making conference!!! We are going to be doing ours on science experiments. We are doing it for Moana students. I am really looking forward to it!!!!!
Tuesday, 23 August 2016
Group Endeavour - Global Warming
This term instead of doing individual endeavour we are doing group endeavour. I chose to be in a group which is researching about global warming. We are going to split off into three groups, one that is researching about Air pollution, one that is researching about what global warming does to your heath and one about deforestation - what it has to do with global warming. I am really interested in the health side of it and what it does to your health.
What is it I hope I will come to understand more deeply through this inquiry?
I hope that I will understand more about global warming. Knowing what causes it is a good thing to know because lots of people don't know very much, such as me! We were watching a few videos on it today and I have learnt heaps already!
What knowledge might I need to help move towards this understanding?
I will need to know the effects of global warming, what causes it and the ways I could help/make a difference.
What is it I hope to be able to do more competently? (skills)
Have researching skills and being able to write and think of questions that give me a better understanding of what global warming is.
What learning powers will this inquiry help me practice and develop further? (Explain this)
Curiosity - because I am going to be researching lots to find out the answer to our big question, and asking other questions which have to support the big question.
Click images to make bigger.
What is it I hope I will come to understand more deeply through this inquiry?
I hope that I will understand more about global warming. Knowing what causes it is a good thing to know because lots of people don't know very much, such as me! We were watching a few videos on it today and I have learnt heaps already!
What knowledge might I need to help move towards this understanding?
I will need to know the effects of global warming, what causes it and the ways I could help/make a difference.
What is it I hope to be able to do more competently? (skills)
Have researching skills and being able to write and think of questions that give me a better understanding of what global warming is.
What learning powers will this inquiry help me practice and develop further? (Explain this)
Curiosity - because I am going to be researching lots to find out the answer to our big question, and asking other questions which have to support the big question.
Click images to make bigger.
Monday, 22 August 2016
Team Olympics
Since it's the Olympics. The Marama learning teams are doing an Olympic slideshow. My job is to research about the medals. Such as finding out what the designs are and what they mean, for each side of the medals.
Here is a picture
Here is a picture
Wednesday, 17 August 2016
Book Bash
Quote To Character
I thought that this was a good quote for Leon because he was in struggles sometimes and he would get stronger. Did you notice that he didn’t cry once during the chapters.
Some day were really bad and Leon’s father would always bring the sunshine home, which was food or coal.
New Learning Team Doc
This is my learning team's plan doc. In the table we put how many blog posts we think we should do each week for the rest of the term.
Click image to make bigger
Wednesday, 10 August 2016
Book Bash
Question Master:
Can you name what Jews were not supposed to do?
Who was the man that hired Leon's Father?
What did he do for his birthday?
What job do Peza and David do?
What was the name of the person who beat up Leon's father?
Monday, 8 August 2016
Today on the tables were lots of different objects. There were rocks, sticks, packets of nuts and books. On each table, there was a theme. There was one table that I went to and the theme was space and weather, that is the one that I was most interested in. When we were at the tables we had to ask questions about an object or a picture. I asked lots of questions about clouds because I am very interested in how they are made. Here are some of the questions that I asked. How are clouds in the desert if there are no water sources are near them? Are clouds heavy? Can you keep clouds in a jar? And many more questions. Parts of this activity were supposed to be independent I think that I managed myself well and I worked on those parts myself.
Thursday, 4 August 2016
My Mural
For the past couple of terms, Marama has been painting murals. These murals are supposed to represent your background and history. For our murals, we used watercolor paints. I painted my mural with deeper colours so they were bolder and so it stood out. All of the murals that were made are amazing.
The process:
First, we had a sheet of paper which had two sides, one for the symbol and one for the meaning of the symbol. Then we did a rough sketch in our art journals of what our mural was going to look like. We then added colour to the sketch to see if they worked together and looked good. Before we drew our murals on our good paper we practiced our watercolour. Practice makes perfect! We used texture, shading and mixing colours. After we had finished our practicing we then drew our mural onto the good paper (if the teacher approves!) Then start our watercolour!!On my mural at the left, there are buildings they represent where I used to live, the big city! It then rolls into the hills, on the hills, there is a feijoa, that represents my family’s business (feijoa orchard) There is also a Kiwi and a cabbage tree, the Kiwi represents how I am a New Zealander and the cabbage tree represents that I live in the Hauraki Plains. Behind the tree is a big sun. A stream also strolls through the second hill (it represents Torehape Stream which is across from my house) The stream then rolls into the ocean which represents how my family has a batch and how I love the water. In the ocean is my star sign. Coming out of the water is a Maori symbol which is the Mangopare shape which represents the Hammerhead shark and means strength, power, and courage. The background for my mural is a sunset. Above the buildings is the Southern Cross and floating in the sky are some poppies which represent all of the people who fought for NZ.
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