
Welcome to my blog,

I am a year eight student at Ngatea Primary School. I like to play netball, swim and do art. My teachers are Mrs Hull, Miss Boberg, Miss Coles and Miss Williams. Feel free to leave comments. I hope that you enjoy my blog!

Tuesday 23 August 2016

Group Endeavour - Global Warming

This term instead of doing individual endeavour we are doing group endeavour. I chose to be in a group which is researching about global warming. We are going to split off into three groups, one that is researching about Air pollution, one that is researching about what global warming does to your heath and one about deforestation - what it has to do with global warming. I am really interested in the health side of it and what it does to your health.

What is it I hope I will come to understand more deeply through this inquiry?

I hope that I will understand more about global warming. Knowing what causes it is a good thing to know because lots of people don't know very much, such as me! We were watching a few videos on it today and I have learnt heaps already!

What knowledge might I need to help move towards this understanding?

I will need to know the effects of global warming, what causes it and the ways I could help/make a difference.

What is it I hope to be able to do more competently?  (skills)

Have researching skills and being able to write and think of questions that give me a better understanding of what global warming is.

What learning powers will this inquiry help me practice and develop further?  (Explain this)

Curiosity - because I am going to be researching lots to find out the answer to our big question, and asking other questions which have to support the big question.

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